Ospiti domenica 7 marzo
The original Monki Punkers
La più accativante ed eclettica live band Sudafricana in tour in Italia come special guest delle Finali Regionali del Concorso per Band Emergenti Arezzo Wave 2004.
Senza dubbio la più accattivante ed eclettica live band Sudafricana del momento. I BOO! sono uno strampalato ed abilissimo trio che arriva da Johannesburg ed è capitanato dal delirante Chris Chameleon (voce, basso, urla) e completato da Ampie Omo (tromba, trombone, tastiere, percussioni) e Princess Leonie (batteria). Una formazione assolutamente delirante nell’approccio al pubblico, dalle sculettate, gli ancheggiamenti e le prove mimiche del cantante, a un godibilissimo repertorio musicale che è un frutto di tantissime contaminazioni.
Con 5 album all?attivo (“Pineapple Flava”, “The 3 Boo!dists”, “Naughties”, ?Shooting star? e ?TNTLC?) i BOO! hanno iniziato il loro Tour Europeo nel mese di Gennaio e nel mese di Marzo approderanno in Italia in esclusiva come special guest delle Finali Regionali del Concorso per Band Emergenti Arezzo Wave 2004.
Un approccio molto particolare al live act, pieno di furia iconoclasta che si avvicina al punk, anzi al “monkey punk”, come loro stessi l’hanno definito. Ritmi afro, attitudine rock’n’roll, accenni dance e liriche non sense: mettete queste cose insieme, su un palco e vi troverete di fronte i BOO!
Chris Chameleon ? Bass Guitar & Vocals
Princess Leonie ? Drums
Ampie Omo ? Keyboards, Trombone, Percussion,
Bongo?s, Triangle and Vocals
www.boolive.com/track.html (mp3)
www.boostinks.com (updated tourlist)
Special Press Website:
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CD Distribution:
Lowlands Distribution Belgium – Naughties
Antwerp, Belgium
Intervention Arts ? Pynaple CD, The 3 Boo?dists
JHB, South Africa
Sheer Music ? Naughties
JHB, South Africa
APB Records ? Naughties
Chapel Hill, NC, United States of America
The original Monki Punkers
From their humble beginnings in a derelict church on the streets of crime ridden Brixton, Johannesburg, South-African trio Boo!, have risen to become one of their country?s finest musical exports.
Their unique fusion of African rhythms, melodic pop and contemporary dance sounds, aptly branded ?Monkey Punk?, have subsequently won them the adulation of audiences in the U.S.A., Europe, the U.K. and Australia. Crafting their songs from drums, bass, brass, keyboards and African animal vocal sounds(note the absence of guitars!), they deliver their music with a live show exhibiting humour, power, passion and conviction that is nothing short of world class.
Frontman (or is it frontwoman?!) Chris Chameleon delivers his songs in a four octave range (step aside Pavarotti!) whilst plucking away at his bass with a dexterity and style that is as much his own as are his outrageous wardrobe and make-up. Switching from sensitive, painfully dramatic melancholy to raging power to boisterous enjoyment, often all within one song, his enigmatic stage presence spellbinds even the most cynical audience and seduces them into traveling along on his musical adventures. Multi-talented Ampie Omo, the charismatic trumpeter, trombonist, keyboardist, percussionist and backing vocalist, sets the stage alight with his rapid changes from instrument to instrument, somehow always finding time for a joke or a jostle in doing so. His shock of big, blonde hair and flashy outfits seem to blur into a burning swoosh as he rapidly moves across the stage, generating an infectious energy and irresistible charm, forever having the audience wonder what he?s going to conjure up next. The generator of this energy, Princess Leonie is a far cry from any normal drummer in this setup. In his usual position, he shares the front of the stage with the other two, changing the stereotype of the drummer in the background to an exciting rhythmic performer, competing for the awe of the audience. His rock steady, left handed style of drumming is executed with a playfulness and body movements that defy convention as well as logic.
Boo! seem to have chosen an approach to getting their sound around that is as unique as their music. Four years of independent management and production later, their repertoire of both the music they have produced and where they have done so, reflects a vision and an attitude that is both unique and successful. They have released a live album and three studio albums in this time, and have appeared on eight compilations. Their unique approach, however, has not excluded them from mass appeal, as their #1 hit single ?Stagefright? (5FM top 40, South-Africa?s foremost music chart) indicates. On the same chart they have had a #2 with the playful ?OO AA?, and a few top 20 hits. Their appeal stretches across an unusually wide cultural and age range. For a band that generally defies classification, stereotyping or categorization, just about the only certainty about Boo! is that they are headed for even greater things as their favourite playground, The Future, unfolds!
Breve scheda degli altri gruppi ospiti delle serate di selezione AREZZO WAVE 2004
5 marzo 2004
BUM BUM BABY SAN (Bernalda_Mt) _ Vincitori delle selezioni di Arezzo Wave 2003
Il gruppo, nato nel 97, si muove nelle coordinate dell?indie rock, tra chitarre a tratti infuriate a tratti dolci, ed una ricerca ritmica sostenuta. La miscela di sonorità acide e pop si intreccia ai testi di disincantata ribellione Il trio (chitarra, basso e batteria) si abbandona ad improvvisazioni di natura ?sonica?, ricerca la potenza e l?immediatezza del suono lasciando alle parole il compito di far muovere la mente tra allucinazioni e consapevolezze ormai post-adolescenziali.
Filippo Figliuolo _ chitarra e voce
Edoardo Puntillo _ basso
Riccardo Puntillo _ batteria
6 marzo 2004
La SCeNTIFICA (Potenza)_ Vincitori delle selezioni di Arezzo Wave 2002
??.Istinto creativo, linguaggio libero, privo di strutture preconfezionate. Non ci identifichiamo in nessun gruppo o genere, ma più semplicemente trasferiamo il nostro bagaglio musicale in un impatto sonoro privo di ogni condizionamento, deciso dal trasporto emotivo. L?unità di misura della nostra musica è espressa in ?kilocapta? ?.?
La cosa certa è che si tratta di una band con un orizzonte musicale molto ampio, capace di regalarci un progetto strumentale che sperimenta timbriche irregolari in un precario equilibrio tra visioni malate e incursioni melodiche.
Valerio Maglia _ chitarra
Simon Laurenzana _ chitarra
Andrea Cerverizzo _ batteria
Raffaele Digiulio _ basso